Saturday, 6 June 2015


I feel like I'm one of the very few people in the entire United Kingdom who had never heard of Liberty London. Nor was I aware of my surroundings enough to snap a few pics of the stores GORGEOUS exterior or interior when I finally did discover its awesomeness. Clearly I'm new at this whole being alive in the 21st century thing. 

But nothing pulls my head out of the clouds better than a lovely bouquet of roses, or a dozen. The fact that the entrance to Liberty was also a flower shop made me fall in love with the store before I'd even stepped through the door. (ermagerd look at all dat rhyme)

After browsing through some seriously luxurious-looking scarves we (my cousins/sister/I) stepped into a little corner of the huge store, which just so happened to be where they kept the stationary. And it was all so darn cute.

I mean, just LOOK at these beautiful little notebooks!

They also had the most hilarious little bits and bobs, some of which I physically could not resist. Physically. 

When I saw the first set of notes I literally burst out laughing because they reminded me so much of one of my darling friends who is the MOST indecisive human being I ever had the wonderful fortune of befriending (*cough* Ikram *cough*) and I just could not walk away without buying them for her. 

The second is more for myself, which - in the words of my sister - is just so me. I am ridiculously passive aggressive. Can't even deny it.

Ok so this last purchase was total indulgence, and though it was quite overpriced my heart was all a flutter when I beheld its gorgeous vintageyness. There were a few other covers available too, but all of them were super ancient classics and Homer's Odyssey was the only one I was actually familiar with :')

The title is a lovely shade of metallic gold, which may not come out great in pictures but is beautiful in person. And the thick ivory pages on the inside make me want to write a classic of my own! One day, maybe.

The store itself is a luxury to behold and though the products are pricey, they make great (and sometimes hilarious) gifts for a loved one, or you know. For yourself ;)

What about you guys? Are you a sucker for super cute stationary? And have you visited the Liberty London store?



  1. I love liberty! It is such a gorgeous store. It has an awesome Christmas store too if you get chance. I love your purchases, the notebooks are really cute! x

    Jasmin Charlotte

    1. Ugh I would love to check out the Christmas store, I can already imagine how lovely it is. Thank you! x

  2. Ohh, it's so beautiful! I LOVE stationary. I actually collect journals, really really pretty ones (although I've mostly been given them or bought them ridiculously cheap when I went to China). I just love their prettiness...although I never write in them. XD My handwriting isn't good enough for the journal's epicness. OH. I do love that passive-aggressive notebook. I totally need one of those. XD
    Thanks for stopping by @ Paper Fury!

    1. Pretty notebooks are just piling up in my room right now tbh, all pretty much empty :') Thank you so much for taking the time to check out my blog and commenting! x


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